Source: plugins/storage/client/storage.js

// (c) 2017 NS BASIC Corporation. All rights reserved.

 * @file Storage Plug-in Client Library
 * @license
 * (c) 2017 NS BASIC Corporation. All rights reserved.

(function () {
  'use strict';

   * Creates a new VoltStorage object
   * This object uses an object and property name to access the default
   * scope to deal with changing scope (for instance, if the user
   * changes). You cannot use this directly.
   * Each method allows an undocumented scope (userId or appId)
   * argument before the callback. End users should not need this, but
   * the dashboard may.
   * @private
   * @class
   * @memberOf $
   * @param {object} core - a reference to the volt core ($volt)
   * @param {object} state - a reference to the volt client state
   * @param {string} defaultScope - the default scope to use (the name of a property in the state, e.g. appId, userId)
  function VoltStorage(core, state, defaultScope) {
    this.core = core;
    this.state = state;
    this.defaultScope = defaultScope;

   * Returns key value map of all stored items.
   * @param {voltCallback} [callback] - upon success data will be an object with each property corresponding to a stored key/value - if not passed, a promise is returned
  VoltStorage.prototype.getAllItems = function (scope, callback) {
    if (typeof scope !== 'string') {
      callback = scope;
      scope = this.state[this.defaultScope];

    return this.core.api('GET', '/storage/{{scope}}', {
      scope: scope
    }, undefined, callback);

   * Clears all items.
   * @param {voltCallback} [callback] - no data is returned upon success - if not passed, a promise is returned
  VoltStorage.prototype.clear = function (scope, callback) {
    if (typeof scope !== 'string') {
      callback = scope;
      scope = this.state[this.defaultScope];

    return this.core.api('DELETE', '/storage/{{scope}}', {
      scope: scope
    }, undefined, callback);

   * Returns the value of the item associated with a key.
   * @param {string} key - the name of the key to retrieve
   * @param {voltCallback} [callback] - upon success, data will be the value of the key - if not passed, a promise is returned
  VoltStorage.prototype.getItem = function (key, scope, callback) {
    if (typeof scope !== 'string') {
      callback = scope;
      scope = this.state[this.defaultScope];

    return this.core.api('GET', '/storage/{{scope}}/key/{{key}}', {
      scope: scope,
      key: key
    }, undefined, callback);

   * Set a value for a new or existing key.
   * @param {string} key - the name of the key to create
   * @param {*} value - the value to associate with the key
   * @param {voltCallback} [callback] - no data is returned upon success - if not passed, a promise is returned
  VoltStorage.prototype.setItem = function (key, value, scope, callback) {
    if (typeof scope !== 'string') {
      callback = scope;
      scope = this.state[this.defaultScope];

    return this.core.api('PUT', '/storage/{{scope}}/key/{{key}}', {
      scope: scope,
      key: key
    }, value, callback);

   * Removes the item associated with key.
   * @param {string} key - the name of the key to remove
   * @param {voltCallback} [callback] - no data is returned upon success - if not passed, a promise is returned
  VoltStorage.prototype.removeItem = function (key, scope, callback) {
    if (typeof scope !== 'string') {
      callback = scope;
      scope = this.state[this.defaultScope];

    return this.core.api('DELETE', '/storage/{{scope}}/key/{{key}}', {
      scope: scope,
      key: key
    }, undefined, callback);

   * VoltStorage Plug-in Library
   * Also aliased as `window.appStorage`.
   * @namespace $
   * @borrows $ as getAllItems
   * @borrows $ as clear
   * @borrows $ as getItem
   * @borrows $ as setItem
   * @borrows $ as removeItem
  $volt.register('storage', function (core, state) {
    var storage = new VoltStorage(core, state, 'appId');

    // alias for AppStudio users
    window.appStorage = storage;

    return storage;

   * VoltStorage Plug-in Library
   * Also aliased as `window.serverStorage`.
   * @namespace $
   * @borrows $ as getAllItems
   * @borrows $ as clear
   * @borrows $ as getItem
   * @borrows $ as setItem
   * @borrows $ as removeItem
  $volt.register('', function (core, state) {
    var userStorage = new VoltStorage(core, state, 'userId');

    // alias for AppStudio users
    window.serverStorage = userStorage;

    return userStorage;