Source: client/auth.js

 * @file Volt Core Library - auth module
 * @license
 * (c) 2017 NS BASIC Corporation. All rights reserved.

$volt.register('auth', function (core, state) {
  'use strict';

   * Volt Auth Library
   * Provides functions for built-in authentication API.
   * @namespace
   * @alias $volt.auth
  var ns = {
     * Register a new user
     * @param {string} email - the email to be registered
     * @param {string} password - the password of the user
     * @param {string} confirmation - the password confirmation
     * @param {string} [appId] - defaults to the appId passed on init
     * @param {voltCallback} [callback] - upon success the data param will contain an API user object (see the response section of the [API spec]( - if not passed, a promise is returned
    register: function (email, password, confirmation, appId, callback) {
      if (typeof appId !== 'string') {
        callback = appId;
        appId = state.appId;

      return core.api('POST', '/auth/register', null, {
        email: email,
        password: password,
        confirmation: confirmation,
        scope: appId
      }, callback);

     * Request a confirmation email to be resent
     * @param {string} email - the email to be logged in
     * @param {string} [appId] - defaults to the appId passed on init
     * @param {voltCallback} [callback] - no data is returned on success - if not passed, a promise is returned
    resend: function (email, appId, callback) {
      if (typeof appId !== 'string') {
        callback = appId;
        appId = state.appId;

      return core.api('POST', '/auth/resend', null, {
        email: email,
        scope: appId
      }, callback);

     * Authenticate a user
     * The login is managed by the API automatically, there is no need
     * to manage the state yourself.
     * @param {string} email - the email to be logged in
     * @param {string} password - the password of the user
     * @param {string} [appId] - defaults to the appId passed on init
     * @param {voltCallback} [callback] - upon success the data param will contain an OAuth2 [access token]( response - if not passed, a promise is returned
    login: function (email, password, appId, callback) {
      if (typeof appId !== 'string') {
        callback = appId;
        appId = state.appId;

      callback = core.methodAsPromised(callback);

      core.api('POST', '/auth/login', null, {
        grant_type: 'password',
        username: email,
        password: password,
        scope: appId
      }, function (error, data) {
        if (!error) {
          state.accessToken = data.access_token;
          state.userId = data.user_id;

        callback(error, data);

      return callback.promise;

     * Request a forgotten password email to be send
     * @param {string} email - the email to be logged in
     * @param {string} [appId] - defaults to the appId passed on init
     * @param {voltCallback} [callback] - no data is returned on success - if not passed, a promise is returned
    forgot: function (email, appId, callback) {
      if (typeof appId !== 'string') {
        callback = appId;
        appId = state.appId;

      return core.api('POST', '/auth/forgot', null, {
        email: email,
        scope: appId
      }, callback);

     * Reset a password
     * @param {string} token - the reset token
     * @param {string} password - the password with which to update the account
     * @param {string} confirmation - the password confirmation
     * @param {voltCallback} [callback] - no data is returned on success - if not passed, a promise is returned
    reset: function (token, password, confirmation, callback) {
      return core.api('POST', '/auth/reset', null, {
        token: token,
        password: password,
        confirmation: confirmation
      }, callback);

     * Confirm an account
     * @param {string} token - the confirmation token
     * @param {voltCallback} [callback] - no data is returned on success - if not passed, a promise is returned
    confirm: function (token, callback) {
      return core.api('POST', '/auth/confirm', null, {
        token: token
      }, callback);

     * Log out the currently authenticated user
     * This simply removes authentication token and associated details
     * from volt's current state object.
    logout: function () {

     * Returns true if a user appears to be logged in
     * This function does not touch the API - it just checks for
     * certain properties on the volt state object. The user may not
     * actually have a valid session.
     * @returns {boolean}
    isLoggedIn: function () {
      return Boolean(state.userId);

     * Returns true if a user is an admin.
     * Only needed for the dashboard (so we can avoid exposing state).
     * Marked private because end users will never need it.
     * @private
     * @returns {boolean}
    isAdmin: function () {
      return state.admin;

  return ns;